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  • Burundi becomes 1st to leave International Criminal Court

    Burundi becomes 1st to leave International Criminal Court

    Daily Briefs 10/27/2017

    Burundi has become the first country to withdraw from the International Criminal Court, but officials say the court's prosecutor will move ahead with an examination of the East African nation's deadly political turmoil.An ICC spokesman confirmed that...

  • Court gives government a win in young immigrants' cases

    Court gives government a win in young immigrants' cases

    Law Journal 10/24/2017

    A federal appeals court handed the U.S. government a victory Tuesday in its fight against lawsuits opposing a decision to end a program protecting some young immigrants from deportation.The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan directed Broo...

  • Ohio taxpayers lose right to take disputes to high court

    Ohio taxpayers lose right to take disputes to high court

    Headline Legal News 10/18/2017

    Ohioans lost the right Friday to appeal disputed tax decisions directly to the state’s high court, a scarcely debated policy change that critics say will have sweeping consequences for businesses, individuals and governments.The Ohio Supreme Co...

  • Pakistan ex-PM criticizes judiciary for his disqualification

    Pakistan ex-PM criticizes judiciary for his disqualification

    Breaking Stories 10/14/2017

    disqualification from office and vowed again to fight a legal battle to clear his name.In July, the Supreme Court barred him from office for concealing financial assets. Sharif has since been replaced by a member of his ruling party but has vowed to ...

  • Abortion clinic seeks to sue Ohio over budget restrictions

    Abortion clinic seeks to sue Ohio over budget restrictions

    Recent Cases 10/12/2017

    A Cleveland abortion clinic asked Ohio's high court on Tuesday to grant it legal standing to sue over abortion-related restrictions tucked into the state's 2013 budget bill.Preterm of Cleveland argued that the provisions impose added administrative a...

  • Indian court sentences 2 men to death in 1993 Mumbai blasts

    Indian court sentences 2 men to death in 1993 Mumbai blasts

    Trial Coverage 10/11/2017

    An Indian court on Thursday sentenced two men to death and two others to life in prison for a series of bombings that killed 257 people in Mumbai in 1993. A fifth man was given 10 years in prison.The five men were convicted earlier of criminal conspi...

  • Protests continue at Spanish court over secession arrests

    Protests continue at Spanish court over secession arrests

    Legal Events 10/11/2017

    Thousands of protesters stood firm outside a Spanish court in Barcelona after night fell Thursday, continuing to shout demands for the release of a dozen regional officials arrested in connection with a planned vote on Catalan independence.Spanish au...

  • California hits Gatorade in court for "anti-water" videogame

    California hits Gatorade in court for "anti-water" videogame

    Bar Associations 10/06/2017

    Gatorade has agreed not to make disparaging comments about water as part of a $300,000 settlement reached Thursday with California over allegations it misleadingly portrayed water's benefits in a cellphone game where users refuel Olympic runner Usain...

  • Facebook Nixes Plan for New Stock Class Ahead of Court Fight

    Facebook Nixes Plan for New Stock Class Ahead of Court Fight

    Latest Legal News 10/04/2017

    Mark Zuckerberg said Friday that Facebook is withdrawing plans to create a new class of stock that would have let him keep tight reins on the social media company even as he sold down his stake to fund his philanthropy.Zuckerberg had said in April 20...

  • Court extends house arrest for Russian theater director

    Court extends house arrest for Russian theater director

    Law Firm News 10/03/2017

    A court in Russia's capital ruled Tuesday to extend the house arrest of a widely revered theater and film director.Kirill Serebrennikov was detained and put under house arrest in August in a criminal case that sent shockwaves across Russia's art comm...

  •  With 2 in 3 months, Ohio executions could be back on track

    With 2 in 3 months, Ohio executions could be back on track

    Criminal Law News 09/30/2017

    Court rulings favorable to the state and the outcome of two executions in three months indicate Ohio could be on track to resume putting inmates to death regularly.The state executed child killer Ronald Phillips in July and double killer Gary Otte on...

  • Israeli protesters erect golden statue of High Court chief

    Israeli protesters erect golden statue of High Court chief

    Headline Legal News 08/31/2017

    Jerusalem residents woke to discover a surprising spectacle outside the country's Supreme Court — a golden statue of the court's president put up in protest by members of a religious nationalist group. Police quickly removed the statue of Miram Naor,...