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Esra Jung, Sunnyvale, CA Personal Injury Attorney
Legal Events 03/10/2023Esra Jung, Sunnyvale, CA Personal Injury Attorney has helped clients recover over $10 million in compensation over 30 years. Trial lawyer with 30 years of experience in personal injury, criminal and general law practice. Expertise in legal research a...
No-nonsense judge takes over FTX-Bankman-Fried criminal case
Legal Events 12/27/2022A Manhattan federal judge known for swift decisions and a no-nonsense demeanor during three decades of overseeing numerous high-profile cases was assigned Tuesday to Sam Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency case.The case was relegated to Judge Lewis ...
Bench trial for a man accused of killing 2 women in Phoenix
Legal Events 10/02/2022A bench trial is scheduled to begin Monday for a man accused of sexually attacking and fatally stabbing two young women in separate killings nearly 30 years ago near a metro Phoenix canal system.Bryan Patrick Miller, 49, is charged with two counts ea...
2nd Circuit denies Yanks request in letter unsealing case
Legal Events 04/20/2022The 2nd U.S. Court of Appeals has denied a request by the New York Yankees to rehear the team’s attempt to keep sealed a letter from baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred to general manager Brian Cashman detailing an investigation into sign stealin...
Wisconsin Supreme Court adopts GOP-drawn legislative maps
Legal Events 04/17/2022The Wisconsin Supreme Court on Friday adopted Republican-drawn maps for the state Legislature, handing the GOP a victory just weeks after initially approving maps drawn by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers.The court reversed itself after the U.S. Supreme Co...
New York’s top court rules in favor of fantasy sports bets
Legal Events 03/22/2022New York’s highest court ruled Tuesday that fantasy sports contests like those run by FanDuel and DraftKings are allowed under the state constitution, turning back a challenge to the popular games.The state Court of Appeals reversed an appeals ...
Courts, BMV act after license retained after fatal crash
Legal Events 03/14/2022The Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles and court officials have scrambled to close a gap in tracking and sharing information about criminal convictions that should result in license suspensions. The problem surfaced when a man who pleaded guilty to mansl...
East Greenwich, RI Family Law Office
Legal Events 03/08/2022<a href="">The Law Office of Erica S. Janton, P.C</a>. offers a wide range of legal services in all areas of family law, encompassing divorce, paternity, adoption, child and/or spousal support, child custody...
Court won’t stop Texas abortion ban, but lets clinics sue
Legal Events 12/10/2021The Supreme Court on Friday left in place Texas’ ban on most abortions, offering only a glimmer of daylight for clinics in the state to challenge the nation’s most restrictive abortion law. The decision, little more than a week after the ...
New Mexico Supreme court mediates clash on pandemic aid
Legal Events 11/20/2021New Mexico’s Supreme Court is considering whether state legislators should have a greater say in the spending more than $1 billion in federal pandemic aid. Arguments in the case were scheduled for Wednesday morning at the five-seat high court. ...
Idaho Supreme Court overturns tougher ballot initiative law
Legal Events 08/24/2021The Idaho Supreme Court has rejected a new law designed to make it harder for voters to get initiatives on the ballot, saying the legislation was so restrictive that it violated a fundamental right under the state’s constitution. The ruling iss...
San Francisco Copyright Lawyers - Our Firm
Legal Events 07/24/2021Our Firm has established a reputation for enforcing and protecting trademarks in the marketplace with enforcement actions in Federal and State courts throughout the United States as well as at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. San Francisco Trade...